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Hello, I'm Mini & Mama.

In 2021, as a mother of a increasingly inquisitive toddler I began to search for books and resources to introduce my daughter to the Quran. The fun, engaging and rythmic stories that existed for children didn't seem to be available when it came to books about Islam and the Quran. I wanted my daughter to feel as excited by a book about a Prophet as she was reading popular stories about fictional creatures. Failing to find the types of books I knew my daughter (and myself!) would enjoy, I decided to try to write the book myself. In one of those rare moments of quiet, I wrote the first draft of what would become the first book in the series, Prophet Yunus. I wrote and re-wrote, testing the novel on my daughter, nephews and nieces, obtained feedback from family and friends, until eventually I found I had written the story I had so wanted for my daughter. Mini and Mama books was founded with the mission to share the love and positivity that can be found in Islamic stories with toddlers and young children. I believe that toddlers and young children should be able to access these stories in a way that engages their interest, expands their minds and helps them to develop the beautiful characteristics of the Prophets and great women of Islam as told in the Quran. Since 2021 Mini and Mama books has expanded to include alongside Prophet Yunus, Prophet Adam, Prophet Nuh, Hajjar, and a Ramadan Diary specifically designed for children. Mini and Mama books have sold on global platforms, with sales in the UK, US, Canada, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Japan.

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